WHEN Stories

WHEN Stories with Jan Hoath (Finding Your Joy)

Wendy Babcock Season 1 Episode 2

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As a competitive swimmer in high school, Jan suffered a devastating shoulder injury that ended her swimming career. This led her into a deep depression, where she struggled with suicidal thoughts and was put on antidepressants. However, after an encounter with a German teacher who told her about a scholarship opportunity to study abroad in Germany sparked a glimmer of joy and hope within Jan. She applied for and won the scholarship, which allowed her to go to Germany and experience a transformative year that helped her heal from her depression through embracing joy.

Jan's experience in Germany taught her that joy is a superpower and an inner compass that can guide us through even the most challenging circumstances. She realized that by following her joy, even in small ways, it could lead her to new possibilities and healing. Jan has since made it her mission to help others harness the power of joy to overcome obstacles and create more fulfilling lives.

When someone is struggling, Jan recommends three key steps: 1) Be open and willing to notice even the smallest sparks of joy or hope, 2) Follow those threads of joy by taking action on them, and 3) See where that joy leads, trusting that it will open up new possibilities. She emphasizes that joy is not the end goal, but a path to better decisions and a more positive mindset to get through difficult times.

Jan encourages listeners to connect with her online at JanHoath.com or on social media to learn more about her work as a "Joyful Leadership Mentor" and how she can support others in harnessing the power of joy.

Website:  http://janhoath.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JanHoathINC
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/janhoath

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